How Many Times Do 40 Year Old Married Couples Make Love: A Friendly Insight

How Many Times Do 40 Year Old Married Couples Make Love: A Friendly Insight

Understanding how often 40-year-old married couples engage in intimacy can offer valuable insights into relationship dynamics and help set realistic expectations. This topic can be sensitive, but knowledge in this area can lead to healthier and more open conversations between partners.

A cozy bedroom with a double bed, soft lighting, and a romantic atmosphere. A calendar on the wall marks the passage of time

For many 40-year-old married couples, the frequency of making love varies widely. Factors such as life circumstances, stress levels, and overall relationship satisfaction all play significant roles. By exploring this topic, you can gain a better understanding of what might be considered typical and what works best for your relationship.

Weekly Tradition

A calendar with "Weekly Tradition" written on it, surrounded by hearts and question marks, symbolizing the frequency of intimacy for 40-year-old married couples

For many couples in their 40s, making love once a week is a common routine. This tradition helps maintain a close bond and keeps the relationship strong.

In fact, sex once a week is often recommended by experts for marital happiness. It’s a simple and effective way to stay connected with your partner.

2) Spontaneous Adventures

A cozy bedroom with tousled sheets, scattered clothing, and a warm glow from the bedside lamp. A clock on the nightstand reads 3:00 am, hinting at a passionate and spontaneous encounter

Making time for spontaneous adventures can spark excitement in your relationship. It doesn’t have to be grand; sometimes, a surprise date night or an unexpected getaway can do wonders.

Being spontaneous helps break the routine. Whether it’s a picnic in the park or a last-minute movie night, these moments can bring you closer together and add more joy to your life.

3) Anniversary Celebrations

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Your 40th wedding anniversary is a milestone worth celebrating. It’s often called the “Ruby Anniversary,” symbolizing the fiery passion and enduring strength of your love. You might consider giving a ruby jewelry piece, like a necklace or ring, to mark this special occasion.

Celebrating this day can include more than just gifts. Plan a meaningful activity together. Maybe recreate your first date or take a second honeymoon. You could also have a small party with close family and friends to share your joy and memories.

Morning Romance

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Embracing morning romance can bring a sweet start to your day. Spending just a few moments together before starting your daily routine can strengthen your bond.

Morning intimacy doesn’t have to be long or elaborate. Even small gestures like a kiss or cuddle can create a sense of closeness.

Enjoying this time together sets a positive tone for the rest of your day.

5) Sunday Nights

A cozy bedroom with a rumpled bed, soft lighting, and a sense of intimacy. A clock on the nightstand reads 10:00 PM

Sunday nights can be special times for couples in their 40s. The weekend is winding down, and you might be looking for a way to connect before the busy week starts.

Some couples find that Sunday nights offer a chance to bond more deeply. It’s a relaxed time with fewer distractions.

You may find it easier to set the mood, making Sunday nights a regular intimate time together.

Vacation Escapades

A cozy beachfront cottage with a hammock, tropical drinks, and a sunset view over the ocean

When you go on vacation, it’s a great time to reconnect with your spouse. The new environment can spark excitement and intimacy.

Doing activities together, like hiking or dancing, can bring you closer. This feeling of closeness often leads to increased affection and intimacy.

Couples often find that away from daily stress, they have more frequent and enjoyable intimate moments. Mind-blowing vacation sex can be a delightful part of your travels.

7) Romantic Getaways

A cozy bedroom with soft lighting, scattered rose petals, and a bottle of champagne on ice. A crackling fireplace adds warmth to the room, setting the scene for a romantic evening

Taking a romantic trip can strengthen your bond with your partner. Consider visiting Washington, D.C., which offers beautiful sights and delicious restaurants for an unforgettable experience.

A visit to Napa Valley lets you enjoy rolling vineyards and chic restaurants together.

For a more adventurous option, think about Key West, FL, where you can rent a boat and sail around the lovely shores.

8) Birthday Surprises

A cozy bedroom with scattered rose petals, lit candles, and a bottle of champagne on ice. A bed with silk sheets and a heart-shaped pillow

Birthdays can be a special time to add some excitement to your love life. Planning a surprise can make your partner feel cherished and loved.

Consider setting up a romantic evening with their favorite dinner and some quality time together. A heartfelt gift can add an extra touch.

You could also plan an adventurous outing to break the routine and create lasting memories.

9) Holiday Cheer

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Holidays are a special time to reconnect with your partner. The festive atmosphere can bring you closer and give you the chance to create magical moments together.

During this time, it’s common for couples to feel more affectionate. The joy and excitement can lead to more intimate moments, making the holidays a great time to strengthen your bond.

10) Staycations

A cozy bedroom with a neatly made bed, soft lighting, and a stack of books on the nightstand. A calendar on the wall marks off days, indicating a sense of routine and familiarity

A staycation is a great way for couples in their 40s to reconnect and relax without the hassle of traveling.

You can explore local attractions like museums, parks, or special events happening in your town.

Consider booking a nice hotel for a night or two to get away from the everyday routine.

Cooking a special dinner together at home can also be a cozy and fun activity.

Plan movie nights, game nights, or simply spend time enjoying each other’s company.

11) Movie Nights

A cozy living room with a dimly lit TV, a bowl of popcorn, and two wine glasses on the coffee table. A blanket is draped over the couch, and a stack of DVDs sits nearby

Movie nights can be a great way for you and your partner to connect. Choose a favorite film or something new to watch together.

Snuggling up on the couch with some popcorn can create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

Taking turns picking movies can keep things fun and exciting for both of you.

12) Date Nights

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Keeping the romance alive is important when you’re in your 40s. Date nights can help maintain the spark in your relationship. Regular dates allow you to reconnect.

Studies suggest that even a simple outing once a week can make a big difference. It’s not about fancy dinners, just spending quality time together outside the house.

13) Monthly Escapades

A calendar with "Monthly Escapades" written on top, surrounded by question marks

When you’re in your 40s, it’s natural to wonder how often other couples your age are getting intimate. On average, couples in their 40s make love about 1.33 times per week. This adds up to around 5-6 times a month.

Even though this frequency is slightly lower than that of couples in their 30s, it’s still a healthy amount. Experts say that being intimate once a week is good for maintaining a happy marriage. So, if you’re hitting this mark, your relationship is likely in a good place.

Studies show that the frequency of intimate moments may decrease as you move into your 50s. But for now, enjoy those monthly escapades and the connection they bring! For more detailed statistics, check out this WebMD article on frequency of intimacy.

14) New Year’s Eve Romance

A cozy living room with dim lighting, champagne glasses, and a crackling fireplace. A clock strikes midnight as two figures embrace in a tender kiss

New Year’s Eve is a great time to spark some romance. You can try eating 12 grapes at midnight for good luck, a tradition from Spain.

Sharing your resolutions as a couple can open up great conversations and help you connect. Planning a getaway together is another exciting idea.

Dressing up for a black-tie event or going to an upscale dance can add magic to your night.

Relaxing Weekends

A cozy bedroom with a neatly made bed, soft lighting, and a warm color scheme. A stack of books on the nightstand and a vase of fresh flowers add to the inviting atmosphere

Relaxing weekends can help couples in their 40s bond and reconnect.

Spending time together without the pressure of work or chores allows you to focus on each other.

Simple activities like taking a walk, having a picnic, or watching a movie can be very enjoyable.

Planning stress-free weekends can strengthen your relationship and improve your overall well-being.

Quality time together is key to maintaining intimacy and connection in your marriage.

16) Weekend Retreats

A cozy cabin nestled in the woods, with a crackling fireplace and a plush, inviting bed. A soft glow from the bedside lamp creates a warm and intimate atmosphere

A weekend retreat can be a fantastic way to reconnect with your spouse. You both get a break from the usual routine and can focus on each other. Activities like yoga, meditation, and hiking offer relaxation and bonding time.

Consider places like Costa Rica for their 7-Day Couple’s Connection Retreat. You’ll find beautiful surroundings and structured activities to help deepen your relationship.

17) Long Weekends

A cozy bedroom with a disheveled bed, scattered clothes, and dimly lit candles, hinting at intimacy and romance

Long weekends are a great time for you and your partner to reconnect. With the extra day off, you get to relax and enjoy each other’s company without the pressures of work.

These extended breaks can often lead to more intimate moments. You have the chance to unwind, making it easier to feel close and affectionate.

18) Work-from-Home Days

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Work-from-home days have become more common. Studies show that 35% of people work from home full-time.

Another 23% work from home one to four days a week. For many, the flexibility to work from home can improve productivity and work-life balance.

Consider how this impacts your schedule and daily routines. Being at home more often might offer you more quality time with your loved ones.

19) Lazy Sundays

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Lazy Sundays are perfect for reconnecting with your partner.

No rush, no schedule—just time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

You might find that these leisurely days offer the best moments for intimacy.

Taking time to cuddle, chat, and be present with each other can strengthen your bond.

Enjoy a lazy Sunday together; it might just bring you closer.

20) Cozy Evenings

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Cozy evenings can be the perfect time for you and your spouse to reconnect. Whether you’re snuggling on the couch with a good movie or sharing a quiet dinner, these moments can strengthen your bond.

Lighting some candles or playing soft music can set a relaxing mood. It’s a great way to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.

21) Camping Trips

A cozy campsite with a crackling fire, a tent pitched nearby, and a starry night sky above

Camping trips offer a great way for 40-year-old married couples to bond and enjoy nature.

Spend your days hiking, fishing, or just relaxing by the campfire. These activities bring you closer together.

At night, the peaceful setting and fresh air can set the mood for intimate moments, enhancing your connection.

Check out these romantic camping destinations for ideas.

22) Road Trips

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Road trips can be a great way to bond with your partner. You get to explore new places and enjoy each other’s company without daily distractions.

Pack some snacks, make a playlist of your favorite songs, and plan fun stops along the way. Even a short trip can feel like an adventure when you’re together.

Take turns driving and let the passenger be the navigator. This gives you both a chance to relax and enjoy the journey.

23) Winter Nights

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Winter nights can be cozy and intimate. The cold weather makes cuddling under warm blankets very appealing.

You’re more likely to spend time indoors, which can lead to more opportunities for closeness.

A hot drink by the fireplace can set a romantic mood, making winter nights perfect for strengthening your bond.

24) Summer Evenings

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Summer evenings offer a perfect time for romance. The warm weather and longer days create an ideal atmosphere for spending quality time together.

You might enjoy a quiet evening walk, holding hands as the sky turns pink with the setting sun. It’s a chance to connect, talk, and share your thoughts without distractions.

Consider planning a spontaneous picnic in the backyard or a cozy dinner on the patio. These moments can help strengthen your bond and keep the spark alive.

25) Intimate Dinners

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Plan a special dinner at home to create a romantic atmosphere. Light some candles and play soft music to set the mood.

Prepare a favorite meal together. Cooking as a team can bring you closer and make the evening more enjoyable.

Choose a cozy spot to eat, like the living room or backyard, to make it feel different and special.

26) Fine Dining Nights

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Fine dining nights can be a great way to add some excitement to your relationship. Going out to a fancy restaurant allows you to dress up and enjoy a special evening together.

These nights can create lasting memories and give you a chance to reconnect. Sharing a delicious meal can spark good conversation and even boost intimacy.

27) Holiday Vacations

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Holiday vacations are a perfect time to reconnect with your partner. Think about discovering new places together, whether it’s a beach in the Caribbean or a romantic city like Kyoto, Japan.

Exploring different cultures, trying new foods, and enjoying each other’s company can strengthen your bond. A well-planned getaway can offer both relaxation and excitement, perfect for creating lasting memories.

28) Friday Fun

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Friday nights can be a special time for you and your partner to reconnect. After a long week, you might find yourselves more relaxed and ready to enjoy each other’s company.

Try planning a date night. Whether it’s a movie, a nice dinner, or even a quiet evening at home, setting aside time can make a difference.

Sometimes, spontaneous moments can be the most fun. Let go of plans and see where the night takes you.

29) Surprise Visits

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Surprise visits can spice things up in your relationship. They show your partner that you care enough to take time out of your day to be with them.

A surprise visit could involve showing up at their work with lunch. It’s simple but meaningful.

Another idea is to plan a weekend getaway without their knowledge. The element of surprise can reignite excitement and intimacy.

30) Spa Days

Spa days can be a wonderful way for you and your partner to relax and bond. Spending time together in a serene environment helps reduce stress and improves your overall well-being.

Think about indulging in couples massages, facials, or soaking in a hot tub. These activities allow you to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.

Regular spa days can also reignite intimacy and deepen your connection, creating lasting memories.

31) Bucket List Check-offs

It’s always fun to have shared goals with your partner. Creating a bucket list can bring you closer.

Consider visiting iconic places. For example, stand atop the Eiffel Tower, enjoying the stunning view of Paris.

Another idea is to try new adventures together. Go snorkeling in tropical waters or take a hot air balloon ride.

Don’t forget about smaller activities too. Have a picnic in a favorite park or cook a meal together.

Crossing off these items can make your bond even stronger.

Exotic Travels

Exotic travels can spice up any relationship. Imagine exploring the beaches of Bali or the markets of Marrakech together. The new experiences and adventures will create lasting memories.

Traveling to unique destinations allows you to disconnect from daily stress. This can strengthen your bond and make your time together special.

Remember to plan trips that both of you will enjoy. Whether it’s hiking in the Alps or relaxing in a Japanese hot spring, shared interests will make the trip more enjoyable.

Home Projects

Taking on home projects can be a great way to spend time together. You might start with something small like painting a room or rearranging furniture.

Gardening can also be a fulfilling activity. Planting flowers or vegetables allows you to enjoy the outdoors and reap the rewards of your hard work.

Why not try a DIY project? Building a piece of furniture can be both challenging and rewarding.

34) Shopping Sprees

Treating yourself to a shopping spree can be so much fun. Whether it’s buying clothes, gadgets, or groceries, it’s a great way to spend your free time.

You may find deals and discover new items that you didn’t realize you needed. Just make sure to keep an eye on your budget to avoid overspending.

35) Fitness Challenges

Keeping fit in your 40s can be tough. Your metabolism starts to slow down, making it easier to gain weight even if your diet hasn’t changed.

You also might notice more aches and pains. Your body isn’t as resilient as it used to be, so you need to be more careful with your workouts.

Maintaining a regular exercise routine becomes harder with busy schedules. You have to balance work, family, and other responsibilities, which can leave little time for fitness.

36) Seasonal Festivals

You and your family can enjoy lots of fun at seasonal festivals. These events often celebrate local culture and traditions.

You might find music, delicious food, and colorful parades. Sometimes, there’s even a unique theme based on the season.

From pumpkin festivals in the fall to spring flower shows, there’s always something exciting to look forward to.

37) Holiday Plans

Planning holidays together can strengthen your bond as a couple. Think about going on a romantic trip or a weekend getaway.

Simple activities like celebrating birthdays or anniversaries and dedicating time to each other can make a big difference.

Consider setting aside time for these special moments to keep your relationship vibrant and exciting.

38) Weekend Fun

Weekends can be a great time for couples in their 40s to connect and enjoy each other’s company. You might find that setting aside time for intimacy helps strengthen your bond.

Planning fun activities together, such as a date night, can create the perfect environment for romance. These shared experiences can often lead to more moments of closeness.

Even something as simple as a relaxing evening at home can set the stage for intimacy. Consider unwinding with a movie or cooking a favorite meal together.

Spontaneous Road Trips

Deciding to take a spontaneous road trip can add excitement to your relationship. Without strict plans, you are free to explore and discover new places together.

Pack your car with essentials, pick a direction, and just drive. Make fun stops along the way. If you get tired, find a cozy spot to spend the night.

Adopt an adventurous attitude and enjoy the journey. Consider using BLM land for camping, as it’s often free and scenic. Your spontaneous road trip can strengthen your bond and create lasting memories. For more information, check out tips for a spontaneous road trip.

40) Netflix Binges

If you and your partner love watching TV together, a good Netflix binge can be a fun and cozy way to connect. Shows like Never Have I Ever and Living with Yourself are great options to share some laughs and enjoy compelling stories.

Spending time watching series can help you relax and unwind, making it easier to open up with each other. It’s a perfect mix of entertainment and quality time.

Factors Affecting Intimacy

Several key factors play a role in the intimacy of married couples in their 40s, including communication, emotional connection, and health considerations.


Open and honest communication is crucial in maintaining intimacy. When you and your partner talk about your desires, preferences, and concerns, it helps build trust. Misunderstandings can create distance, so it’s essential to keep the lines of communication open.

Listening is just as important. When your partner feels heard and understood, it fosters a closer bond. Try setting aside time to discuss your relationship and any issues that arise.

Non-verbal cues, such as touch and eye contact, also enhance communication. These small gestures can convey love and affection, keeping the connection strong.

Emotional Connection

An emotional bond is the foundation of a loving relationship. When you feel emotionally connected, it strengthens your physical intimacy. Sharing feelings and experiences brings you closer.

Observing small gestures of affection, like holding hands or leaving thoughtful notes, can reinforce your emotional connection. Spending quality time together, like having date nights or planning fun activities, helps maintain this bond.

Supporting each other through challenges is vital. When you show empathy and understanding during tough times, it builds resilience and strengthens your relationship.

Health Considerations

Health can significantly impact intimacy. Physical health issues, such as chronic pain or fatigue, can reduce the frequency of intimate moments. It’s important to address these concerns with your partner and seek medical advice if needed.

Mental health also plays a role. Stress, anxiety, and depression can affect your desire for intimacy. Finding healthy ways to manage stress and seeking support when needed can improve your overall well-being.

Hormonal changes, especially during midlife, can have an effect. Communicating with your partner about these changes and exploring new ways to be intimate can help you both adapt.

Common Patterns and Frequency

Married couples in their 40s often experience changes in their sexual frequency. Factors like age, lifestyle, and individual needs influence how often they make love.

Average Frequency

On average, couples in their 40s may have sex about 1.33 times per week. This is based on recent stats from New Middle Class Dad. It’s noted that this frequency is about 20% less than for those in their 30s but still over the recommended once-a-week mark for maintaining marital happiness.

Life Stage Changes

Life stage changes play a big role in sexual frequency. In your 40s, you might have busy careers, teenage children, or other commitments that affect intimacy. Many couples find that they need to schedule their time together more carefully, balancing work, family, and personal time. Health changes can also be a factor, as some people experience hormonal shifts or health issues that might reduce sexual desire or ability.

Individual Variability

Individual needs and preferences vary widely. Some couples may be very sexually active, while others might be less so due to personal comfort, emotional connection, or physical health. It’s important to communicate with your partner and understand each other’s needs. Studies show that both men and women in different age brackets report varying levels of sexual activity, highlighting the importance of understanding your unique situation. Frequency can differ significantly from couple to couple, so what works best for you may not be the same for others.

Enhancing Intimacy

Enhancing intimacy in a relationship involves making quality time a priority, trying out new activities together, and considering professional help when needed. Each of these steps can bring couples closer and improve their connection.

Prioritizing Quality Time

Spending quality time together is key to maintaining a strong bond. This doesn’t always mean grand gestures. Simple activities like cooking dinner together, going for a walk, or watching a favorite TV show can make a difference.

Regular date nights can help keep the romance alive. Set aside one evening a week just for the two of you. This time should be free from distractions like phones or work.

Communication is also vital. Make time to talk about your day, your thoughts, and your feelings. Honest conversations can deepen your connection.

Exploring New Activities Together

Trying out new activities can bring excitement back into your relationship. Consider taking a class together, like dance or cooking. These shared experiences can create lasting memories and give you something new to talk about.

Traveling, even for a weekend getaway, can also help. Exploring new places can lead to new adventures and strengthen your bond.

Don’t be afraid to try new things in your intimate life as well. Open communication about your desires and boundaries can lead to a more fulfilling relationship.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Sometimes, seeking help from a professional can make a big difference. Therapists specializing in couples counseling can provide strategies to improve your relationship.

You may also consider relationship workshops or retreats. These can offer new insights and help you develop better communication and intimacy skills.

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s about doing what’s best for your relationship.

Taking steps to improve intimacy can make your connection stronger and your relationship more fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to invest in your relationship and explore new ways to keep the romance alive.

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